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This week in Hereford Class

Welcome back! I hope you all had a fantastic Easter full of family time and of course, chocolate!

This week we launch our week with our Immersion Curriculum - Geography (overviews attached). We will be studying the UK and recapping the countries and their capital cities as well as the continents and oceans previously studied.

In Maths we begin a new unit on mass (weight). Year 1 will be comparing weights and beginning to read scales, whilst Year 2 will read scales, some with missing numbers and solve problems involving weight.

In RE we look at our new Christian Value of Justice. We will be exploring the story of Jonah and the Whale and discussing the value shown in the story, whilst reflecting on our own lives.

In English we are independently writing a letter. Year 1 have planned a letter from the viewpoint of the mean wolf in the three little pigs and Year 2 have had freedom, planning their own to use as the end of year 2 assessment.

We have our school trip on Wednesday 27th April to Aston Hall in Birmingham. Children require a packed lunch and need to be in school by 8.45am so we can promptly leave. Please ensure that there are no fizzy drinks or yoghurts. A reminder, we will return around 4pm as we leave Aston Hall at 2.45pm. If there are any changes in this time, Mrs Russell will be in touch.

Atlas Camps has opened a further after school session on a Monday. You can book directly with Atlas for the sessions. It has been so popular with the children, they absolutely love it!


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