This week in Hereford Class

We can't believe that it's the final week of term! Where has the time gone? We will be exploring and writing non-chronological reports this week, which we are linking to Electricity, Iceland and our own school. We will innovate and plan our own reports after the half term break. In Maths, we are adding. Year 2 are adding two, two digit numbers whilst Year 1 are making bonds to different numbers within 10. Year 1 have been really good at recalling bonds to 10 rapidly and now we are teaching them to do the same with smaller bonds. In RE we will be reflecting on our value of Friendship. There have been so many lovely examples of friendship in Hereford Class, from: Friendship bracelets, to cards, to helping each other,to looking after each other, the list goes on! They are an amazing bunch of children with fantastic values. We continue to explore electricity this week where we will be looking at the components that make a circuit, electrical safety and diagnosing faults with devices. Thank you for a lovely first start to the Autumn Term. We hope you all have a restful break and enjoy the time with your families.