This week in Hereford Class
This week we are using the skills that we have been taught in English to write a biography from start to finish. We are basing our biography on Florence Nightingale to recap our History Learning.
In Maths we are showing what we know by completing quizzes based on everything that we have been taught. This will help to show Miss Holden what we have understood and any areas we might need work on. This will be shared with you at Parents' evening (WC 23rd March).
We continue to look at Judaism where we are exploring items that are special to them and their uses as well as how they show their belief in their God. We began this last week through discussion but are digging deeper to gain a better understanding of their beliefs.
We continue with our Science Immersion curriculum this week where we are testing and exploring how to change the shapes of objects and materials through twisting, squashing, bending and stretching. We will then be thinking about the suitability of materials and all that we have learned to design our own egg boxes. We will be throwing the egg boxes (with real eggs inside) to test their strengths based on the materials we selected.
We are continuing to make power points in Computing where the children have been using their research to present their findings using Microsoft PowerPoint. They have been animating their slides and adding pictures and images to make them interesting and exciting.
Two letters have been sent home: one about a school visit to Aston Hall to aid our learning about the Great Fire of London and another, about a Tombola which we will be holding. Please look out for these. A further letter will be sent later next week detailing a second trip, to Gloucester Cathedral and Cheltenham Synagogue to support the children's learning in RE. Please send back the reply slips as soon as you can. Thank you for your ongoing support.