This week in Friesian Class
This week in Friesian Class we are continuing our story writing journey by using the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl to write the opening, build-up, problem, resolution and ending. In maths, we are building our knowledge of the 3 and 6 times tables and using this to answer questions and reason. In RE, we are using our knowledge of Christianity and The Trinity to think about the celebration of Christmas and Advent. In Immersion Curriculum, we are continuing our Geography topic and using our knowledge that we learnt last week about the Alps to create non-chronological reports on the computers, write travel brochures and look at a specific resort in the French Alps: Les Deux Alpes. The naughty elf is out of isolation and causing chaos in Friesian Class. Today, the children were surprised to see that he had brought them a snowman form the North Pole, however I do not think he kind gesture went to plan! We have received a lovely package from Richmond Painswick. After conversing with them back and forth through letters, poems, joke books and puzzles, they have kindly made us Christmas cards as well as a ‘Friesian Word Search’. I will photocopy this so all of the children can take one home over the Christmas holidays. We will enjoy making Christmas cards to send to them in return in the last week of term.