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This Week in Dexter Class

This week, in RE, we will be visiting Holy Trinity as part of our work on 'Places that are Special to Believers'. We will find out about the similarities and differences between Christian churches, as well as finding out about more about other faith buildings, and what makes them such and important part of faith and worship.

In phonics, we will be revising the different ways of writing the sounds ai/ay, ow/ou, ou/oo, igh/ie.

In maths, we will be using different stories as the starting point for investigating addition and subtraction, and will be using number sentences to record our work.

Throughout the week, we will have a focus on different artist and will be experimenting with creating our own art work in the styles of these artists. They will range from some of the greats, to lesser known modern artists, who use natural resources as their mediums. We will be well walking on Wednesday morning.

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