This week in Dexter class

This week we will be continuing our focus on traditional tales with the well loved story of The Three Little Pigs. We will be discussing the characters, setting, problems and solutions. The cross-curricular opportunities for learning are rich and we will be looking at the structure and language of the story, exploring different versions of the book, watching an animated version and also listening to the audio book. The children will have opportunities to sequence and write about the story, invent their own version, act out during role play and we will be encouraging children to look at how different homes are constructed and designing our own. This will be linked to our maths work on 2D shapes. The children will have opportunities to practice building skills and measuring, find out which shapes work best, explore different materials and write lists of what they might need in order to design and build their own dream home.
As part of our values learning on forgiveness, we will be encouraging the children to think about how the big, bad wolf could write 'sorry' letters to the pigs.
Our welly walk last week helped us to discover shapes and recognise numbers and letters in our local environment and this week we will continue to focus on shape whilst looking at the built and natural environment.
You will all be aware of the need for good hygiene especially in view of the news at the moment. We showed the children a short video from 'Operation Ouch' which answered their questions and then we completed a fun activity based on how to wash hands properly. Although this is nothing new, we thought we would make sure that we are