This week in Dexter Class
This week, it has been so lovely to welcome back the Dexter children; they have all come back with big smiles, they are well rested and raring to go!
We are going to be looking at all things wild this term and relating this to all areas of our EYFS curriculum.
Our first text will be the beautifully illustrated 'Handa's Surprise' by Eileen Brown. This gives the children an insight into a little Kenyan girl's life and her wish to do something nice for a friend. We will use the book as the basis for lots of our literacy and maths activities, but we will also use it to investigate habitats, wildlife and foods from Kenya and around the world. We will be looking at traditional crafts and music from Africa and learning how to locate Kenya on our world map and in an atlas. If any parents have anything they would like to share from their travels or if you fancy coming in to talk to the children that would be fantastic.
We will be starting our welly walks on Wednesday again so please do make sure that all children have suitable clothing including waterproofs and coats and wellies of course!
Finally, I will be writing to thank children and parents individually but from Mrs Smith,Mrs Lury and myself, thank you so much for your lovely cards and gifts. We wish you and your families a very Happy New Year.