This Week in Belted Galloway Class

This week the children will be completing their narrative block of work by writing their own extended stories with the theme of a character changing or developing, to fit in with our work on Thespina and the Scorpidon and Pirate Pete's Perilous Voyage. This will take a number of lessons, and the children will have the chance to be coached as they write, having regular check in clinics. We are working on ensuring the children have a clear direction in mind so they can plan for the effect of their writing: we have been looking at planned foreshadowing, and the children have loved giving ominous clues to the reader!
In Maths we will be consolidating written methods of multiplication as well as looking at the problem solving skill of systematic working in the build up to our next GECKO problem solving challenge.
We will be starting our new science topic this week, whcih will be based around Humans, and, beleive it or not, we will be having a Christmas art lesson in preparation for the PTA's Christmas Card Fundraiser.... less than 12 weeks to go!!!!!!!!