This Week in Belted Galloway
It has been a long time coming, but we are back at school and raring to restart the children's learning: we are back at the old 'new' normal which followed the old old new normal and preceded the old new normal... I think. Normality seems to far away that I have almost forgotten what it feels like, but I was absolutely blown away during lockdown by how well your children got on. They displayed independence, focus, determination and a love of learning: it was an honour to be past of that journey, albeit in a remote manner, and I genuinely believe that, with your outstanding support, the children have not slipped back during this time, but have continued to move forward. The quality of the written work they sent in during this time was certainly on a par with what I would have expected them to produce in class, and I can only thank you for supporting them as you have, often juggling other children and work. Thank you.
This week we will be devoting a large chunk of the week to celebrating World Book Day, which was missed the previous week due to lock down. We will be exploring a range of different types of books, from Shakespearean plays to poetry anthologies, from picture books to class novels. We will be accessing aspects of our learning that were impossible to do through a screen: we will be using drama, discussion and lots of sharing.
Maths will involve work on ratio and proportion this week, while our topic work will centre around something called the Calm Project, which centres around art and mindfulness. It is great to be back!