This week in Hereford Class
This week in Hereford class we are starting a new English topic. We will be finding the features of newspaper reports and using the story of 'Cops and Robbers', to write our own reports, detailing the events in the style of a journalist.
In maths, now that we have finished our work on graphs, we will be recapping the learning from across the year, embedding what we have learned in order to be ready for the next stage in our learning in September.
We will be visiting the church in RE where we will be looking at the objects and symbols. We will be linking these directly to the beliefs of Christians and how the church, as a sacred place allows Christians to show their beliefs.
We are really lucky to be having Dave from Nailsworth Star Anise visiting us for the next two weeks. We will be chopping, peeling and weighing ingredients! This will be completed in two sections, Y1 this week and Y2 next. They will be taught to chop and peel safely so they should be able to help you with the dinner preparations at home!
In Science we will be building electrical circuits after identifying components and learning what makes a complete circuit.
Don't forget, next week is the infant cluster sports day. if you haven't already, please ensure you return the permission slip.