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This Week in Friesian Class

This week, we have got stuck into our new maths topic, 'Fractions and Decimals'. So far, we have learnt how to find a fraction of an amount using our times tables. Miss Cale and Mr Beech came and visited our maths lesson on Tuesday to see what we have been learning about.

In English, we are continuing with our story based on 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'. The children are doing a brilliant job of using inverted commas and the Year 4's are trying hard to remember the punctuation rules for speech.

In science, we have begun planning our own group investigation into the process of Evaporation. The children have created their own experiments to test 'Does temperature affect how fast towels dry?' Next week, we will be putting this to the test.

In music, we will be using the percussion instruments and starting to create our own compositions using basic notation.

Thank you for your continued support.

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