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Health and Well-being Week in Friesians

From Tuesday 5th June to Friday 8th June, Amberley School had a really interesting “Well-being Week”. I personally think it was a great idea to start the final term with a week about mental and physical health. My friends and I think that it was to show us how to increase our health.

The first thing we did, was look at Homeostasis. Homeostasis is an intelligent thing. It’s where your body cleverly keeps its health balanced. For example, if your body gets really hot, it sweats to cool itself down. To fully understand it, we had a football and separated into groups of 3. In our groups, we balanced a ball to represent our body working at its best. To represent illnesses, we took a hand away. This made it harder to balance it, but we gradually regained the other hand. Therefore, getting better.

After break, we had an amazing prayer station. We all thanked the staff that had generously given up their free Monday to prepare it all. Thanks for the hard work put in. The topic was ‘Courage’.

On Wednesday, we had an update on our elephant. We also found out that they recently added the rest of the Big 5 to the Reserve. The Big 5 are elephant, lion, buffalo, leopard and rhino. Next, Reverend John kindly came in and talked to us about his life as a Priest and before. We all learnt that he daily swims 60 lengths at 6:30am. He told us that before this job, ha was a technology person.

Our school decided we would run a mile. So after break, we all ran a mile. It was so much fun!

Thursday was my favourite. Mrs Learmont came in and did some really fun activities with us. The first thing was taste testing! We all had to taste 12 different fruits, the only one I didn’t like was the fig. However, I loved the persimmon! The net one was naming. It’s where we had to name lots of fruits. My favourite one is where you make an awesome kebab and dip, we also had to drink spinach juice. Eww.

For the final day, we did physical activities. First we PE which included sprinting, running and throwing. Then we did outdoor learning and prepared and cooked ham muffins. They were delicious! Last of all, we learnt about and named our amygdala.

To conclude, “Health and Wellbeing Week” was a great experience and I now know how to calm myself down, which is incredibly useful. Thursday was my favourite day, due to us being able to eat healthy fruit. I hope you realise health and well-being week was a success and I hope we can do it again.

Tilly Holmes

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

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The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

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Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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