Tombola in aid of Waunifor Primary School

On Tuesday 10th May, Hereford and Dexter Class will be holding a tombola to raise funds for Waunifor Primary School, Kenya. Waunifor currently has a limited supply of books in their library and we are acting as 'agents for change' to try to make a difference to their school.
Reading is a key part of life at Amberley and we firmly believe that all children should have access to quality texts. We want to be part of helping Waunifor to achieve this goal for their pupils, and would greatly appreciate your support.
We are holding two tombolas: One for the children and one for the parents so that we can include appropriate prizes for each.
We are asking if each family could please donate a prize. This could be food/drink, a toy, game etc. Anything would be gratefully received. Please could this be donated by Monday 9th May to allow us to ticket all of the prizes. Miss Holden, Mrs Crampton and Mrs Penn will also provide prizes using the small fund that we have been given to kick start our fundraising events.
The event will be held outside (weather permitting) and we will begin our fundraiser at 3.30pm on Tuesday 10th May, and will be open to Dexter and Hereford children.
Thank you for your continued support,
Miss Holden, Mrs Penn & Mrs Crampton