This week in Hereford Class

Welcome back to Spring 1 and a brand new year, 2023. Firstly, I would like to wish you all A HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that you all had a fantastic Christmas break with your families. Thank you to you all for your very generous contributions to my voucher. This was so incredibly kind of you all and I look forward to buying something special.
I would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs Penn who has been our class TA for over a year now. She made a massive difference to the life in Hereford and we will miss her as she moves into Dexter Class full time. Mrs Apew is joining us as the Hereford TA and we are really excited to welcome her and have her supporting us with our learning.
This week in Hereford Class we begin with two immersion curriculum topics, due to the closure of the school during the snow. We will be completing DT - Food, where we will be making bread. We are going to be making Naan bread and making links to our previous topic of India. We will also be completing our Music unit - The Blues. We will be listening and appraising the music before performing it with our voices and instruments. Both of these overviews and ways to support at home are attached, and can also be found on our class page.
In English we are starting a new unit on auto-biographies. We will be finding the features of auto-biographies and understanding these features. We will be writing biographies as though we are Mrs Hamilton before using this learning to write about ourselves.
In maths we start a new multiplication journey. Year 2 will be using repeated addition and arrays to understand multiplication whilst Year 1 will be learning how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s.
In RE we will be exploring the parable of The Man Who Came Back and linking this with our termly Christian Value of Thankfulness.