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This week in Hereford Class

Welcome back to Spring 2 - I hope you all had a restful break and enjoyed time with friends and family! We are excited to be back and launching our new topic for our immersion curriculum. For the next two weeks we are looking at 'wonder women.' We will be studying the lives of Florence Nightingale, Emily Davison and Rosa Parks and thinking about why they are such significant people in our history.

Our new Christian Value is forgiveness. Our Bible story which links to this is Zaccheus the tax collector. We will be looking at several other stories which support the value across the term. We will listen, discuss and reflect upon these stories during our class worship.

We start a new topic in RE too where we will be studying Judaism. We will be looking at the beliefs of Jewish people as well as some of the festivals they celebrate.

In English we are writing a story. We are using the structure of 'Gorilla' from last term but we have changed the settings and characters to make them our own.

In Maths we are starting a new topic on 2D shapes and their properties.

We continue to be researchers in Computing and we will be making power points to display all of our knowledge of the 7 continents, which we studied last term.

You will notice that if you have a child in Y2, we are sending home additional maths homework. If your child finds any of the questions difficult, please indicate on the homework or contact me so that we can offer additional help.

Please remember that you can contact me at any time via the school website. Any queries come straight into my inbox. Thank you for your ongoing support


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