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This week in Hereford

This week in Hereford Year 2 will be finishing off their end of Key Stage quizzes. I am so proud of all of the children who have down so well, showing all that they have learned in their two years in Hereford. We are starting a new Immersion Curriculum Topic - 'All About Me.' We will be learning about the different stages of growing up and how we change physically and the different things we can do as we grow older. We will be learning the correct terminology for the sexual parts and naming all other external body parts. You can find our overview for this topic attached to this BLOG post. It can also be found on the Hereford class page. If anyone has any questions about the learning please feel free to email me.

In English we are writing our own stories. We have spent some time planning these and we will have the opportunity to be creative and write stories to entertain.

We will be consolidating lots of our maths learning this week through maths clinics, reasoning games and rapid recall practise.

We celebrate the Queen's Jubilee on Thursday - children can come into school wearing blue, white and red. We will be learning about this significant event and I have planned lots of different activities for Hereford to participate in.

Green House will have their end of Spring 2 House Treat, for being the winning team. Miss Cale has organised this so I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.

In RE, we will summarise our learning. We will be reflecting on how all people of different faiths can make the world a better place. We will link this with our vision and thinking about how we can help our community and our wider world.

I hope that all have a fantastic half term, time to relax and spend some time with families. When we return, Miss Holden will be Mrs Hamilton!

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