This week in Friesian Class

What a lovely start to the term we have had! We really enjoyed getting to know each other better last week, using our immersion topic of 'Kindness' (PSHCE). This week we will be immersing ourselves in maps and atlases to learn about the equator, the tropics and the poles, before zoning in on the country of Kenya to learn more about its people and its physical geography.
In English, we will be starting a unit on voyage and discovery stories and will be looking at the key features, before trying our own hands at writing one.
In Maths, we are continuing to look at place value and will be partitioning whole numbers.
In Computing, we will be learning more about programming and will be using the laptops to enter simple algorithms in order to create an animation.
If you have any questions about your child's learning, please get in touch via the class page, where you will also find further information about our immersion curriculum.