This Week in Dexter Class
This week, we are excited to be joined by the Year 5 children for a week of welly walking adventures. We will be spending the mornings Mon- Thurs down in the Guardianship taking part in a variety of challenges and Forest School type activities. Dexters are very keen to be able to show the Year 5 their knowledge of different plants and animals, as well as using their learning powers to work collaboratively with the older children.
As we are currently forecast good weather, please could you ensure that your child is equipped with a sunhat, water bottle, lightweight long trousers and suitable footwear, and that they have sun cream applied before school. They can, of course, put on their waterproofs and wellies that are kept in school, but may get rather hot. Children will need to continue to wear normal uniform on their top half and will need school shoes to change into for the afternoon, when we will be continuing with our usual timetable.
In RE, we will be looking at the splendour and wonder of creation and using it as a starting point to find out more about the creation stories of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, and finding out more about why they have so much in common! We will also be considering what Christians believe about how they should honour God by respecting His creation, and what we can do to help ensure that it continues for generations to come. We will link this to this term's value of Justice, and will consider climate justice. We will talk about how our actions can affect those living elsewhere in the world.
We are looking forward to seeing you all at the tombola we are holding with Hereford class on Tuesday, at 3.30, where we hope to raise money for Waunifor Primary School. Please could all donations be bought to school on Monday at the latest, in order to give us time to ticket everything? We are, as always, grateful for your continued support in our efforts to support the children to become 'agents for change' in the world.