This Week in Dexter Class

This week in Dexter class, we will be focusing on what makes us all unique and precious in the eyes of God, and how Christians believe that Jesus came to Earth to show us this. We will be discussing who is precious to us and how we show them that they are special.
In phonics, we will be learning the digraphs nk, ai and ee, and will be revising the high frequency and tricky words we have learned so far.
In maths, we will be learning about 2 dimensional shapes and discussing the properties of squares and rectangles, as well as talking about sequencing events.
In literacy, communication and language we will be reading The Jolly Christmas Postman, and will be using the story to develop our play during continuous provision activities.
We will be continuing to learn to use tools safely and to assess risk, as well as developing fine motor skills through woodwork, as we make models of owls and hopefully move to something more festive!
We are very excited to share our Nativity performance with you in the church on Wednesday. Performances start at 2pm and 6pm. Please ensure that you have checked the performance that you have been allocated tickets for, as we will not be able to allow additional people in, due to the restricted numbers we have in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Children need to be taken to school before the performance, so that we can prepare costumes. They will then be escorted down to the church by staff.