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This Week in Dexter Class

Welcome back! We hope that you all had a good break and are ready and raring for this term!

This week, we will be consolidating our knowledge of the sounds that we have now learned and will be focussing on developing our blending for reading and segmenting for spelling skills.

In RE, we will be learning about the Christian Value of Service and thinking about what we can do to serve God by serving those in our community and the wider world.

In maths, we will be looking at how we can record number sentences using + - and = symbols and what they mean. We will read 'Pete the Cat and his 5 Groovy Buttons' to develop our understanding of subtraction and will be investigating the number 5.

In English, Language and Communication, we will be reading 'Dipal's Diwali', and using this as a basis for developing our knowledge and understanding of the world as we learn about the Hindu and Sikh festival of Diwali.

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