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This week in Dexter class

On Wednesday 20th March at 9:10am we will be holding a short Easter Service in the Church. Each class will be presenting something to do with the Easter Story, please come along and join us if you are able.

In Maths, we are consolidating our learning from this term with some fun Easter themed activities including adding and subtracting using eggs, chicks and bunnies. We will be practising working out the parts of a whole amount up to 10 and exploring 3D shapes. We will also be using number lines to help us count on and back.

We will conclude our Literacy journey based around the traditional tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. This is a great opportunity for children to show off what they know by writing sentences to retell the beginning middle and end of a story. We will also be reading and sequencing instructions so that we can plant some beans using old CD cases. The children can bring these home so that we can see how they grow over the Easter holidays. We will then write a bean diary.

In RE we will be focusing on the Easter story and learning about why Christians rejoice on Easter Sunday.

In Phonics, the children are continuing to consolidate learning of Phase 2 and 3 sounds by applying them to the4 reading and writing of Phase 4, ccvcc words such as; plant, slept, frost etc. We will also be carrying out our assessments of phonics sounds, plus reading and spelling of high frequency and tricky words. After this, we can let you have some focus words to practise at the end of the week.

After the success of our pizza making we will be making hot cross buns on Wednesday. I also have some other Easter craft and art activities planned.

Sorry for this but PLEASE LABEL ALL ITEMS OF KIT. Pen tends to wash off eventually so can I ask that you regularly check that a name is still easily visible. Initials are not enough so full names please!

Finally, I just want to say how lovely it is to see the existing Dexter children welcome our new classmates. Emily, Madeleine and Poppy have all settled beautifully and the children have made sure that they have shown the value of friendship. After Easter, we have Ottilie joining us and then we will be complete! We should have a fantastic Summer together.

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349



Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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