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This week in Dexter Class

In Literacy, Language and Communication we will be exploring vocabulary used in The Gingerbread Man and then we will rewrite the story using the simplified version Run, Run! as a model for simple sentences. We will also explore a non-fiction text called Winter looking at contents, index and the information provided.

We will continue with our maths journey, Alive in Five!, looking at one less (subtracting) and conceptual subitising-the recognition that a whole quantity is made up of smaller quantities or parts. We will be using winter themed resources to support our learning including snowballs!

In Phonics we will be focusing on the final sounds in Phase 3 which are air, as in hair, ure (or) as in sure and ure (er) as in picture. We will spend a lot of time focusing on all of our Phase 3 sounds as well as tricky and high frequency words learnt so far.

In RE we will continue looking at our topic of 'What stories are special and why?' We will be looking at what stories are special to Christians.

As part of our Understanding of the World we will be looking at The Natural World, by continuing to explore what polar habitats are like, the animals that live there and what we would need to survive in a habitat like this. We will also use penguins and polar bears to experiment with floating and sinking-more on Tapestry later in the week.

In Expressive Arts and Design, I will be using the musical story of Yoyo and The Little Auk, about a small bird from the Arctic – and Yoyo, a young girl from the fictional Scottish town of Inverkithkin. The story was created and the music was performed by the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. We will also use this as a basis for some art work based on Arctic animals using mark making techniques to suggest pattern and texture, and charcoals to complete a background based on the Aurora Borealis better known as the Northern Lights. Should be fun!

Please can I ask that toys, toy watches, make-up, lip balms (unless essential in this weather) are left at home? We are seeing an increasing amount of 'bits and bobs' being brought in and these are more often than not going missing during the day or providing unwanted distractions during learning time. Of course if your child has a particularly interesting item to show us then that is completely fine but otherwise can we save the toys for after school, we have plenty here!

Finally, a thank you for sending all the children in with warm coats, etc. It is set to be very cold for the foreseeable future so please do send in additional layers if you think they may require it.

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Amberley Parochial Primary 

Voluntary Aided

Providing the rich soil that enables our children to develop deep roots and flourish.

The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Mrs S Russell

Tel: 01453 873349



Amberley Parochial School
Amberley, Stroud
Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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