This Week in Belted Galloway Class

Week two will mark the end of our first Immersion Curriculum topic, Personal Safety and Respectful Behaviours, and the children will celebrate their learning by writing inspiring chalk slogans on the playground centred around challenging stereotyping and promoting healthy life choices. We will then be starting our second topic, a Science-based one centred on Forces. We will also be starting our RE topic, based on the lives and beliefs of the follows of Hinduism.
In English, we will be continuing our narrative work based on the animation RUIN, where we will be focussing on creating powerful setting and character descriptions to start the story off. In Maths, we will be focussing on extending the children's addition skills, consolidating written methods and moving into linking this with decimals.
Mr Bell, the Headteacher of SWR school, will be visiting this week to talk to the children about the transition to secondary school, while we will be hosting a meeting after school on Tuesday for parents regarding our up-coming trip to PGL.