This Week in Belted Galloway Class

This week we will be continuing to put our end of year show together. We will be combining scenes, adding actions and practicing songs. The children will be working as part of a team and will need to develop their skills of working with a variety of different people. It has been wonderful to see the children develop their confidence, and I can't wait for you to see them on stage in July. In RE this week, we are continuing our enquiry-based block of work exploring why some people believe in God and some people don't. The children are working at a really thoughtful level and it is wonderful to see how they are considering and questioning. We will be starting our final novel of the year this week: fiction has played a massive part in our class, and the children are so engaged in the books we have read. Perhaps showing a happy sense of symmetry, the Year 6 will be revisiting the author they started year 5 with: Malorie Blackman. We will be reading Pig-Heart Boy which is a powerful and gritty tale about being different.