This Week in Belted Galloway class

Welcome back to a new and industrious term in Belted Galloway class. We hope you ha a restful Christmas and wish you a happy new year. This term will start with us beginning our History topic of Invaders. While the second part of this work looks at the Anglo Saxons and Britain up to the Normal Conquest, the first half of the block will look at continuity and change in terms of social, technological and religious features from the middle stone age to after 1066. We will then arm the children with the knowledge to make judgements about which eras had significant change and to compare time frames with confidence.
In English this week we will be starting a block of work on flashback narrative, inspired by the animation 'The Piano', and linked to some of the books we studied last term (Podkin One Ear and Billy the Kid). It is an emotive and wonderful piece of animation, and I look forward to seeing the writing the children produce. Feel free to view the animation ( ).
We also start our new class novel this week, which is 'The Middler' by Kirsty Applebaum, and the children will be responding to each chapter in a reader log style.