The Band Runner game

Featuring characters and safety messages from the CEOP Education Play Like Share films, Band Runner is a fun game that puts children’s knowledge about online safety to the test by asking them to help characters make safer choices.
Players can choose to play the game as characters Ellie or Sam who use their guitars to eliminate all obstacles in their path as they run through school in order to make it to their next gig. If players miss a jump or take a tumble they then need to help Alfie solve an online safety dilemma to be able to continue play. As players pass to the next level, the running gets faster!
The CEOP Education website for 8-10 year olds
The Band Runner game can be found on Thinkuknow's informative 8-10's website which also provides clear and practical safety advice under the following headings:
Play – Playing games online
Like – Being kind to others online
Share – Sharing videos and photos online
Chat – Talking to others online
Lock – Keeping information private
Explore – Exploring the internet
The website also has a ‘Worried about something’ section offering advice and support to children who are feeling worried, scared or upset about something which has happened online.
Playing Band Runner and exploring the website with your child
Why not visit the CEOP Education 8-10’s website with your child to play Band Runner and explore the online safety advice pages together?
Here are some useful conversation starters and practical activities to help you talk to your child about staying safe online:
Ask your child about the games, sites and apps they like to use. What do they like about them? Is there anything they don’t like?
Watch the Play Like Share series of videos together and discuss with your child. What they believe the main learning points of each episode to be? Can any of the safety tips be applied when their online?
Play Band Runner together. You could take it in turns on one device or play at the same time on two. After playing, ask your child what they remember about Alfie’s online safety dilemmas.
If your child enjoys playing games where they interact with people they don’t know, make sure they understand that it is not safe to share personal information like their name, school, and phone number with people they meet in the game. Explain that if anyone says anything that worries or upsets them, they should tell you or another trusted adult straight away.
Help your child manage the privacy settings on their apps to ensure that they are only sharing things with friends they know and trust in real life. If your child likes sharing photos or videos with people they know in real life discuss safer ways they could do this e.g. sending via email, messaging service or private link.
Find out how to block and report someone in each game, site and app they use and discuss with your child.
Tell your child that they can come to you if something goes wrong online, that they won’t be in trouble and you will be able to help.
You can watch the Play Like Share animations together with your child by clicking ‘Watch’ in the main menu of the Thinkuknow website for 8-10 year olds. If your child has watched Play Like Share in school, rewatching them again with you can be a great way to start a conversation about what they’re learning about staying safe online.