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This Week in Friesian Class

A very Happy New Year! Welcome back. We hope you had a fantastic Christmas break and a brilliant start to the year. We are looking forward to getting stuck in to our new topic 'Extreme Survival'. We will begin the term with a topic launch day, where the children will find out all about our new topic. We will build shelters, look at weather patters and learn about the different types of climates around the world.

In English, we will begin a new story writing unit, based on a classic book 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe'. The children will start by identifying the features of the tale and then begin to write their own version. In maths, the children will learn a written method for division that will allow them to calculate multiplication with big numbers.

In RE, we will learn about our new value for the term and read the bible story that it links to. Swimming will commence on Thursday 10th January (this Thursday). Please ensure your child remembers their swimming kit. Thank you for all your support.

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