This week in Hereford Class
This week we will be continuing with both our English and maths topics. In English we are writing our own set of instructions for a variety of purposes. Y1 have learned what a verb is and Y2 have been recognising and using adverbs of time. Phonics and spelling lessons have begun and children are already using their knowledge of rules and sounds to decode, read and spell some new words. Please encourage your child to complete their homework to reinforce this. In maths we are continuing with place value. Y1 are counting on and backwards as well as counting objects accurately. Y2 are looking at sequences, adding on 2, 3, 5 and 10 and recognising the value of 2 digit numbers - partitioning them into tens and ones. In RE we have explored our Christian value of friendship where we have read the parable of 'Through the roof'. We have discussed what makes a good friend and how we can be good friends to one another. Y1 children are continuing with transition where they are in the Dexter classroom in most afternoons after working really hard all morning. At this time Y2 are continuing with foundation subjects in Hereford Classroom. A letter went home last week asking for children to have PE kits, an apron and a water bottle in school. Please could parents send these in, if they have not already done so. Have a great week and don't forget, if you need to contact Miss Holden, there is a contact form which is emailed straight to her inbox.