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This week in Belted Galloway Class

This week, the year 6 children in Belted Galloway class will be making their final preparations for their end of key stage tests that they will be sitting next week. The children will be taking part in maths and SPAG clinics, working in small groups to overcome difficulties they face and flagging up aspects of the curriculum that they need support with. They will, and have, been getting used to the structure of SATs week so it doesn't come as a shock to them. The children are enjoying their learning and are aiming to achieve new personal best scores all the time.

Year 5 children will be adding drama to their studies of the Highwayman, which will enhance their understanding of the poem and their overall comprehension.

On Friday in outdoor learning, we hope to put the finishing touches to our free-standing shelter that the children have build, with the help of Mr Oakey. The children are naturally very proud of their work.

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