This week in Hereford Class
This week we have launched our 'Spice of India' topic by tasting lots of different Indian food. The children showed such courage to taste different spices and tastes, which lots of them really enjoyed (and wanted more of!) The children located India on a world map as well as its capital city, New Delhi. We have started a measurement topic in maths where children will be using rulers to measure length and height, comparing items using the vocabulary of longer, shorter and taller. Children will be writing one final recount this week with Miss Parsons to finish off their recount journey. In Science, we are beginning a topic on plants where we will be identifying and naming a variety of common plants, including garden plants, wild plants and trees, and those classified as deciduous and evergreen. We will also be looking at the structure of these plants and trees, and identifying the job of the trunk, leaves, stems and roots. We have begun to explore our new Christian value of 'Justice' and have been reflecting on times where we haven't been as fair as we could have been. Our RE topic this term is Judaism, where we will start by looking at special objects and items. A topic letter and web has gone home so be sure to update yourself with the exciting plans we have coming up as well as changes to homework for Year 2 in preparation for their end of key stage tests