Marine Madness
The 8th of June was a special day for the pupils of Amberley Parochial School. We had a visit from 5 special men who were Royal Marine Commandos. They had come to teach us about learning powers and that they aren’t just used in the classroom,; they are used in the real world. As a school we have 'Learning Powers' and they have a similar thing called 'Ethos'. All the classes each got an hour to be with the men and do activities with them. There were two parts to the hour; one in the Guardianship, learning about rations and their gear, and the other doing an assault course in the dirt and mud. It was a great surprise to us all when we were expected to roll around in the mud. The head of the men was a man called Sargent Major Weaver, who was a top ranking Sargent. Everybody benefited from the visit and we are all improving our use of the learning powers. We are very grateful to the men who gave up their own time to come in and show us all their way of life.