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This week in Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class, we begin a new RE topic where we will be studying Judaism. To begin this unit we will be looking at the question, 'What is precious to Jews?' We will be looking at the Mezuzah and what it reminds Jewish people about.

In Maths, we continue our multiplication journey. Year 1s are looking at representations using arrays and Year 2 will be making the link between dividing and multiplying by 2.

In English, we start a new story journey. We will be learning the story of Hansel and Gretel. We will be boxing the story up, understanding the structure and the content of the story and then we will start to re-write it.

We continue our Science topic of 'Everyday materials' and will move onto making houses for the Three Little Pigs. We will be thinking about the properties of materials and seeing who can build the best house to avoid it being blown down by the wolf (who will be Mrs Hamilton) and the rainy weather.

Parents' evening sign up sheets can be found hanging on the school gates (weather permitting) at the beginning and end of the school day. Please sign up. We encourage you to bring your children along to this appointment so that they are part of the conversation.

Please check your children's bags for a letter from me regarding World Book Day. There is a book voucher with the letter and this has an expiry date, so please don't leave it too long.


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