This Week in Hereford Class
We continue with our Science topic this week of Humans. We will be discussing the basic needs of survival, understanding that adults have offspring and all about hygiene and exercise.
In RE we continue to look at belonging to different faiths and how people express their identity within these faiths. We will be making links to previous learning of Islam and Christianity and understanding a little more about the Jewish faith.
In Maths we are subtracting. Year 2 are being taught efficient strategies to subtract as well as an expanded written method. Year 1 will start with subtraction by crossing out objects in sets, counting back on a number line and then seeing if they can use mental methods.
In English we will finish our non-chronological report. The children planned their own last week and now they are writing it independently. I was impressed with their independent writing this week, well done Hereford! I look forward to reading the rest this week...
We will be practising our lines and songs for the Nativity (quite a lot!) as it is really not far away. Keep the date of Wednesday 8th December free as this is the date we will perform at both 2pm and 6pm, all being well. Further details regarding this as well as costumes will be sent out in due course.
Thank you for such a fantastic parents' evening. It was so nice to be able to have you in school again. It also gave you opportunity to see the progress your children have already made as well as the hard work they put into their learning every day.
I sent an email out on Friday with a parent questionnaire, following on from parents' evening. Please could I ask you to click the link: and complete the short survey. This is an anonymous survey and will help us to improve aspects of school life so your comments and opinions are really valuable.