This week in Hereford
A late post for Hereford Class , after being on a course on Monday and a week full of children showing what they know, I forgot to update our weekly BLOG. I feel like the week has been so incredibly busy that it has totally flown by and tomorrow is Friday! This week, we have been celebrating our successes! These were all shared at parents' evening and I hope you all enjoyed hearing about your children's progress and love of learning!
As we have been showing what we know, we put some of our Maths and English lessons on hold but these will continue next week. We finished a maths unit on 3D shape and the children are experts at recognising the shapes and we will continue to practise describing their properties (faces, edges and vertices). It is great practise to hunt 3D shapes around the house and practise doing this - a cereal box is usually a good cuboid, the children could polish, the can being a cylinder, or even enjoy eating any left over Toblerone - a triangular prism! Handling the shapes really helps children to recognise the properties.
This week, we finished our science topic on 'materials' and we enjoyed looking at their properties and how suitable (or unsuitable) they were for certain uses. We loved disagreeing with Miss Holden and her choices of wooden lenses in glasses, a foam fence and glass tyres!
Please don't forget to sign your name up to help out at the cow hunt over the bank holiday at the end of April and also return the permission slips for our trip to Aston Hall after the Easter break.