Cadbury World - Friesian Class
Dear Friesian Class parents,
Tomorrow we are going on our class trip to Cadbury World!
Can I please remind all parents that children will need a suitable packed lunch, as well as a water bottle to keep them hydrated throughout the day.
We have explained to the children that the coach journey is a little longer that usual, so if they tend to get travel sick and require any sickness tablets/travel sickness bands to please speak to someone at home so this can be arranged for tomorrow. If this is required, myself and Mrs Stevens ask that this is communicated with us before leaving tomorrow and that a signed slip is handed over if medication is needed.
In order to get the most out of our day, I have also asked that children arrive to school on time tomorrow so that we can leave promptly at 9:00am.
We look forward to sharing the pictures with you tomorrow evening!
Miss Rudge and Mrs Stevens