This Week in Friesian Class

This week in Friesian class, we are lucky enough to be able to visit Kelmscott Manor, the former home of Arts and Crafts artist, William Morris. We will be learning about his work and different printing processes before the visit, where we will take part in several activities including printing, which have been designed by our very own Susie Hetherington (who currently has a spectacular exhibition of print, pattern and textiles rooted to place & nature at Three Storeys in Nailsworth). If you have not already returned your photo permission slip, please ensure that we have it in school before we leave on Tuesday morning.
In maths, Year 4 will be continuing their work on equivalent fraction families and Year 3 will be working with money, and looking at graphs.
In English, we will be starting a new writing journey based around playscripts. We will be using several of the Ancient Egyptian myths as the basis of our writing, so be prepared to find out more about the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses!
In computing, we will be learning about how data can be collected, organised and presented using branching databases. We will also learn about how our personal data is sometimes collected from our online activity and what we can do in order to keep it private.
We will also be finding out about how the Ancient Egyptians became so powerful, by learning about ancient trading systems before we celebrate our work as historians by attempting to 'Crack the Safe' by taking part in an exciting game designed to test our knowledge, understanding and team work. It is an 'escape room' style challenge where the children have to solve a series of clues and challenges in order to reach the final answer and open the 'safe' (there aren't any rooms to escape from though!)
Please note that there will not be a spelling test this week.
We break up on Friday at 3.15pm and hope that you have a peaceful half term break. There is an INSET day on Monday 5th June, so we look forward to seeing you back in school on Tuesday 6th June.

Maths Frame multiplication tables check practice.