This Week in Belted Galloway Class

We have made it to the last week of term! It has been a long one, but we have been lucky enough to have had a term without disruption, and the new 'old' routine is now becoming far more cemented. This week we welcome any parents of Y5 children who are free on Wednesday morning to have a look at their children's work. This will happen at the start of the day, and we ask you to leave by 9:30 for regular lessons to continue. We will be completing a number of topics this week: we will be putting together all prior learning to complete multi-paragraphed non-chronological reports in English, and we will be completing our work on factors and multiples in Maths. In RE, our topic on Islam is drawing to a close too. The children will be completing a block of work on drama and dance, centred around World War 2, which will lead to a block of work on the war after half term.