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Hereford Wonder Women Biography

Here are some of our introductions to our biographies about Rosa Parks to conclude our History topic.

Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks was born on 4th February 1913 in America. She lived with her mother, brother and grandparents. She lived in Alabama. Her grandparents told her stories about how black people were treated. She was brave and wanted to do what was right.


Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks was born on 4th February 1913 in America. She lived with her mother, brother and grandparents. Rosa parks also lived in America. She was very brave because she stood up for herself., She was fed up with the rules.


Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks was born on 4th February 1913. She was born in America. She lived with her brother, mother and grandparents. She was very brave!


Rosa Parks

Rosa Parks was born in America. She lived with her brother and parents. She was brave because she wanted to change the rules.


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The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13


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Mrs S Russell

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Amberley Parochial School
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Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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