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This week in Hereford

We have continued our multiplication topic this week whereby we are looking at repeated addition and arrays. The children have really got the hang of this - particularly Y1, to who it is a totally new concept. We are also working on our numbers bonds to 10 and 20 so that we are rapidly recalling these facts. Megan 'WOWED' Y2 this week with her superb recall and they are really enjoying the competitions we are playing in class to speed up our recall.

In English we are beginning to retell the story of 'The Gingerbread Man.' where were are using punctuation, vocabulary and grammar taught to embed into our writing, making it really interesting to read. Y2 are having a huge focus on apostrophes for singular possession, ensuring that we are using apostrophes in the right place, and not just for plural nouns. Soon after this, we will be innovating the story, changing some parts to make it our own.

In Science, we will continue to look at things that have never been alive, once alive or are alive and look at how animals are suited to their habitats.

We are excited about getting the laptops out on Thursday to program our own sprites. We will be looking at algorithms and giving instructions to our sprites to perform simple tasks and learning to debug them when we spot errors.

Finally, after designing our puppets, we will begin to make them in DT on Friday. Using our plans of our fairy tale characters to stitch and glue materials. We can't wait to take home our finished products!

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