This Week in Hereford Class
Welcome back! I hope you all had a fantastic half term and enjoyed time with your friends and family! I certainly had a very busy one and would like to take this opportunity for all of your well wishes for myself and Mr Hamilton. Thank you again for your generosity and kindness.
In our Immersion Curriculum for the next two weeks we are looking at famous women who have made a huge difference to the world we live in today. Please refer to the attached overview for details of the skills we will be taught. To link to this, we have started a brand new English journey where we are looking at biographies. We are linking this to our History topic of Wonder Women and we are/will be studying: Rosa Parks, Florence Nightingale and Emily Davison. We will be using our knowledge of the past to write biographies about some of these famous women and the impact that they had on the world.
In Maths we are doing lots of revision and recap - year 2 are specifically working on the end of year 2 standards whilst Year 1 have been looking at days of the week and months of the year - ask them about the knuckle trick to recognise the number of days!
In RE we will be looking at our new value of 'Courage'. We will be immersing ourselves into the story of David and Goliath and looking at how David showed great courage, linking this with times we may need courage.
Please note: I am out on a course on Friday so reading books were changed today and will be changed again on Monday.