This week in Hereford Class

This week in Hereford Class we are letter writing. We are using the story of 'Meerkat Mail' to create our own letters to our families from our travels. We are thinking about the structure of letters making sure that we are using paragraphs for the different places we stay.
In Maths we continue with fractions. We are moving onto finding fractions of objects, sets and quantities, using the bar model to represent the fractions.
In RE we will be recognising how Jesus gives Christians instructions on how to behave. We will be exploring this through the story of Matthew the tax collector.
In Immersion, we begin a 2 week topic on the Victorians. We will be looking at what life was like for a child. How they would be treated, life in school as well as children at work. We begin the topic by understanding chronology, ordering events and discussing changes in our own lives.
A reminder that there will be no outdoor learning this week.