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This week in Hereford Class

Welcome back to the Summer Term! I hope that you all had a fantastic Easter Break and made the most of the weather and slight lifting of restrictions. I am so happy to have the children back again for what is going to be an exciting term!

This week in maths we start the topic of fractions. We will be looking at what a fraction is, what it means and how we can apply and use them with shape, objects and quantities.

In English we start a new topic of letter writing. We will be thinking about what the purpose of a letter is, we will find the features of a letter, understand the order of them by boxing one up before beginning to write our own. In RE we start by looking at our new value of 'generosity' where the children will explore the story of 'The Widow's Mite.' We will be talking about what generosity means and exploring how we can use this value to be good people within our lives, our community and our wider world.

In the Immersion Curriculum we start a new topic. We will completing an Art journey where we will be taking inspiration from Magritte and creating collages based on his surreal art work.

PE and Outdoor Learning will continue to be on Thursdays and Fridays and children can come to school wearing their kits.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or queries. I look forward to catching up with you all over the next week.


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