This week in Hereford
This week in Hereford Class we begin a new story journey. We have learnt the story of 'Not Now Bernard' by David McKee. The children loved learning the story with the actions and discussing the different feelings of the characters. This helped us to put expression into our voice when retelling the story.
In Maths we continue to find one more/one less to 20 (Y1) and ten more/ten less to 100 (Y2). Children are encouraged to recall these facts as quickly as possible. This is a brilliant game to play at home.
In RE we will be thinking about examples about how Christians say thank you to God for creation. We will be linking this to the Harvest festival and showing thankfulness for all that we have.
In our Immersion Curriculum we are learning about British Values and Citizenship (PSHE). We are thinking about rules, why they are created and why they benefit us all. We will look at different communities, groups and how we can contribute to our community to make the world a better place.
The children absolutely loved spirituality this afternoon where we looked at the volcano which erupted in La Palma. The children reflected so beautifully well, showing compassion and love for others.
A reminder that we are holding a phonics' evening on Wednesday. Please make sure you have returned the slip to indicate your attendance. This session will be hugely beneficial to any parents in Hereford Class, particularly Year 1.
An copy of the home-school agreement, which was signed by yourselves and the children has been sent home. Please keep this at home and refer to it when necessary.