This week in Dexter Class
It is so lovely to be back in school and particularly in the Dexter classroom, I am so excited to be back with the children although I think they have all grown and had lots to tell me!
Here is an outline of the week ahead where we will start work on Phase 4 of our phonics scheme. This means we will be learning to read, spell and write words built up of more sounds and this week we will focus on CVCC words where we have two consonants at the end of a word such as jump, milk, soft, last, dark etc. There are no new phonemes to learn at this point but there will be more complex/tricky words so please do practise and continue to read daily with your child.
Our RE will continue with our focus on Easter and in Literacy, Language and Communication we will continue looking at the story of Handa's Surprise and the children will be writing the beginning, middle and end of the story using their phonics knowledge to construct simple sentences. We will also compare differences and similarities between life in the UK and Kenya.
We will be making some African influenced masks on Friday using lots of different mixed media and both music and PE will focus on wild animals in the jungle and dessert. We will also be sampling some different fruits at snack time which are grown overseas.
In Maths we are continuing looking at the composition of 9 and 10. We will be practising counting forwards and backwards from any given number, one more and one less/fewer and also looking at number bonds to 10 using Numicon and Part-whole models. We will have some fun learning the song '10 in the bed' to help us to apply our maths practically.
Parents' evening for Dexter class will be held in the week commencing 20.3.23, on Thursday until 7pm. Sign up sheets will be available next week. Please sign up for your 10 minute slot.
Finally, we are expecting very cold weather this week so please do ensure children bring their warm coats, hats and gloves as we will be getting outside at break times and also to observe seasonal changes.