This week in Belted Galloway

This week we will be starting a two week block of work on Monarchs: we will look at a wide range of Kings and Queens, revising eras that the children will have studied in the past, and touching on some eras that may be new to them. Themes of change and continuity will be explored throughout, and the children will have the chance to flag up aspects of varied history of the British monarchy that they want to focus on. By having this involvement in the planning process, they will have more ownership of their learning. The week will start with a game of Top Trumps looking at all the monarchs since 1066!
In Maths, we will be moving onto exploring Area and Perimeter before touching on Volume. Aspects of geometry have been undertaught due to the impact of the last two lockdowns, so it is important these aspects aren't underrepresented in the second half of the year.
In English we will be doing a mini block of work on narrative, creating a short story from a picture book called Flotsam.