This Week in Friesian Class
This week Friesian Class will be completing some reading and maths booklets in order to show off what they have learnt this term. Miss Cale, who is a music expert, took the class on Monday afternoon for a music session. The children used their new recorders, provided by the PTA, to play some tunes.
On Tuesday, we will receive a visit from Reverend John Spires to discuss the question 'What does Holy Week mean to a Christian?' The children will all come up with their own questions to ask him.
On Thursday, there will be no swimming, as we are having an Art Day, taught by Sam Adams. We are very grateful to the PTA who have made this possible. Please could the children bring in their canvas bags, t-shirts and any bits that they could use for printing e.g. bubble wrap, shells, buttons and dried fruit. We look forward to showing you the art work that the children produce!
Thank you so much for all the support we have received this week. We really appreciate it!