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Our visit from Reverend John

On Wednesday 6th June, Friesian class were very fortunate to receive a visit from Reverend John. As part of our Re topic, we have been looking at examples of how Christians try to show love for all, including how Christian leaders try to follow Jesus’ teaching in different ways.

He started by explaining where the Christian faith began and how he became a Reverend. We then asked him lots of questions.

  1. What are they ways in which Christian leaders follow Jesus’ teaching?

“I remind myself that I am a human being first, so I have the same temptations as other humans. Then I am a Christian and Jesus said, ‘love your neighbours as yourself’. It’s about love and love is really difficult. People aren’t always nice. It’s about accepting that God loves everyone for what they are but knows what they can be. I had a talk from a prison chaplain. A lot of people become Christians in prison. They become baptised and they realise that they have been forgiven. They have a huge sense of burden taken away. As a leader, I try and be a good Christian. I lead worship on Wednesday and Sunday and I pray in church on a Monday and Tuesday. I am expected to pray every day. I say some prayers, I read the bible. I follow a set little service. I pray for people, things and I always pray for peace. The big thing that I do on a Sunday is preach. Weddings, funerals, services. The privilege about being a priest is that you walk with people in all walks of life. One thing as a Christian and a priest is to listen without judging.”

  1. What is your weekly timetable like?

“Voluntary and part time work, I get to live in the rectory for free. Sundays 8oclock service, 10 o’clock service. Visit someone – people who keep an eye out on their neighbours. Staff meeting, joined with Minchinhampton. Walk around the village and knock on doors.”

The children then asked him a range of questions about his life and his lifestyle. It became clear that Reverend John works extremely hard and we are all very grateful for the time he gives.

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The Parable of the Sower, Matthew 13

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Amberley Parochial School
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Gloucestershire GL5 5JG

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Amberley Parochial Primary School

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