This Week in Friesian Class
This week, we have been writing explanation texts based on our science topic, the life cycle of a plant. This is a really good opportunity for the children to write a purposeful explanation text and stick to the genre that we have been learning about. In maths, we looked at how to use simple algebraic expressions to show a formula. We will be moving on to angles in geometry. The Y3's will be focusing on right angles and the Y4's will also look at accute, obtuse and reflex angles. In RE, we have finished up our unit on Christianity, linking what we have learnt to the wider world. Rev John will be coming to visit us during 'Health and Well-being week' to consolidate what we have been learning about. In Art, we will begin to look at simple colour mixing and create our own colour wheel using the powder paints. Thanks you for all your support and see you on Fantastic Friday! Have a brilliant half term!