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This Week in Friesian Class

This week, we are planning and writing our own versions of a warning tale. The children have been planning in groups but will then adapt the story when they come to writing it, in order to make it their own. In maths, we have started a new unit on 'time'. We will look at telling the time to the nearest five minutes (Y3) and nearest minute (Y4). We will also look at how analogue clocks are converted to digital clocks. Many of the children will be applying their knowledge of time to some tricky word problems. We have received video messages from our pen pals and we will begin filming our responses. Weather permitting, it would be nice to do these outside, so they children can show their pen pals part of our playground. In RE, we are beginning a new unit on Christianity and focusing on the Gospels in particular. In Art, we will paint our landscape pictures that we drew last week. The year four children are very much looking forward to going to Minchinhampton School on Friday to watch a play about internet safety. Our Ourdoor Learning slot will be changed so that they do not miss this. Swimming will continue as usual. Thanks for your support.

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