This week in Hereford class
We are continuing with Gorilla by Anthony Browne in English, but this week we are innovating it by planning our own version and writing the full story. In maths Y1 are counting on and backwards from any given number to 100 and Y2 are recognising and using the inverse operation. We launched out computing topic where we looked at adding different questions to a mind map and using Google (as a search engine) to locate the answers to the questions we had raised. In RE we are looking at special items and specifically looking at what items are special to Jews. In Science we will be looking at the structure of a plant, labeling its parts and understanding the roles of those different parts. As we are now in May, we will be doing a lot of SATS practise, ensuring that Y2 are ready and raring to go when we complete our end of key stage assessments. We hope you have a lovely bank holiday weekend, enjoying the cow hunt (and hopefully some sunshine!)